When it’s time to wind down for bed, lavender and chamomile teas are equally

popular choices. Read on as we delve deeper to find out how these transformative

teas serve your mind and body when trying to get cram in those forty winks….

Written  by Lily Niu


Lavender’s use in food and medicine dates back as far as ancient Greece and Rome. Widely available throughout Australia, Southern Europe, Japan, and the United States, lavender blossoms from the dried shrub can be steeped in boiling water for seven to ten minutes before being strained for consumption. Given that dried lavender possesses more of a tang than fresh lavender, it’s recommended that you use only a fraction of the amount. A 2006 study by Keukdong College in Korea found that lavender’s natural aroma helped to relieve insomnia and depression in their participants. The very act of drinking lavender releases the herb’s fragrance which helps ease the restlessness that causes insomnia. There’s also evidence to suggest that lavender tea may help to treat painful symptoms of migraines; essential oils from lavender within the brew are what scientists believe have a positive impact. Unsurprisingly, lavender’s essential oils also pack other key benefits, including relieving indigestion and nervous intestinal disorders. The oils have a soothing effect on the stomach and can protect against gastric ulcers.

Chamomile Herbs and Tea

Another herb used for medicinal purposes in ancient times, chamomile boasts multiple health benefits that everyone can enjoy.

Used by the Egyptians, Greeks, and Romans for its antiseptic properties in salves to treat cuts and wounds, chamomile can be used topically as well as ingested as a calming evening brew. Thanks to its antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant effects, this herb can also treat and prevent the common cold.

As a nighttime beverage, what really makes chamomile great is its ability to soothe the central nervous system and ultimately promote sleep. Used for centuries as a cure for insomnia, chamomile is somewhat regarded as a mild tranquiliser thanks to its sedative effects.

Which Herbal Tea Will Aid Your Restful Sleep?

Whichever of these transformative teas you choose to ease you into a deep, fulfilling sleep, just remember you’ll be doing your body a world of good thanks to the highly regarded benefits of both lavender and chamomile!